When Live4Lali was in its beginning stages, we envisioned getting to the level where we were in an educational role. We dreamed of telling our stories as directly impacted individuals and loved ones, and combining that knowledge with evidence-based messaging. Our goal was to leave any audience – youths, parents, employees, forum attendees, health professionals, elected officials or otherwise – with something to take with them and share with others.
In January 2013, we developed our first drug education program catered to high school students, their parents and staff. We keep our presentations up-to-date through incorporating research trends and subject matter expertise provided by our comprehensive group of advisers. We also launched our first Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution (OEND) training program in 2013 and have since provided hundreds of Lake and Cook county citizens with the tools to reverse opioid overdose.
We are here to assist anyone in need of support, information and access to care. Whether you are interested in learning how to talk to your children about drugs, locate a quality facility that will provide appropriate and customized treatment for you or a loved one, or even just to talk to someone who understands, we are a phone call or email away. Please take a moment to learn about the education opportunities we provide in the Chicagoland area.